Coffee and Science Seminar: Postdoc Flash Talks!

May 14, 2024
10 AM - 11:15 AM
Pritzker Building and Zoom

At the final Coffee and Science meeting of the academic year, you will hear ten postdoctoral scholars discuss their research projects in a series of short “flash-talks” ranging from mindsets and emotions to hormones and health. This seminar will take place both in-person and on Zoom. 

In-Person: Pritzker Auditorium 1150.

If you cannot attend in person, below are the zoom links to join the meeting by zoom conference call:

Meeting ID: 998 9857 4205

Password: 060210

Phone or Conference room password: 060210


One Click Join from a PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android device:


One tap mobile (iPhone)

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Dial by your location

        +1 213 338 8477 US (Los Angeles)

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        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

        000 800 050 5050 India Toll-free

        000 800 001 4002 India Toll-free

        +52 554 161 4288 Mexico

        1800 062 2403 Mexico Toll-free

Meeting ID: 998 9857 4205

Password: 060210


Connecting from a room system:


SIP: [email protected]

Meeting ID: 998 9857 4205

Password: 060210


UCSF Zoom instance is approved for use with restricted data.

For more information on Zoom: