AME in the News


News Articles

How Your Mindset Could Affect Your Response to Vaccines August 23, 2024 by Taylor Kubota in Stanford Report

Can’t Sleep? Try Sticking Your Head in the Freezer November 1, 2022 by Dani Blum in The New York Times

A new poll reveals Americans are stressed out by inflation, violence, and politics October 20 2022, by Ruth Chatterjee in NPR

Self Help: Set aside one week to put your sleep issues to bed October 5 2022, by Christina Tucker in The Boston Globe

COVID Cravings Drive Us To The Fridge In Search Of Comfort Food November 25, 2020 by Juliette Goodrich in CBSN Bay Area

Good-quality sleep may increase effectiveness of flu vaccine, researchers say November 3, 2020 by Annika Rao in The Daily Californian 

How to work on a huge news day November 2, 2020 by Bryan Lufkin in BBC

Combating Pandemic Fatigue October 23, 2020 by Marie Tae McDermott and Jill Cowan in The New York Times  

Feel Like COVID-19 Is Invading Your Dreams? You're Not Alone by Michelle Wiley in KQED

Navigating Anxiety and Isolation During the Coronavirus Pandemic March 13th, 2020 by Mina Kim in KQED.

Pandemic Panic? These 5 Tips Can Help You Regain Your Calm March 3rd, 2020 by Allison Aubrey in NPR. 

Stress Is A Key To Understanding Many Social Determinants Of Health February 24th, 2020 by Aric Prather in Health Affairs.

The Science Is Extremely Clear: You Need to Prioritize Sleep November 12th, 2019 by Sara Harrison in Wired. 

Sugary Drink Ban Tied to Health Improvements at Medical Center October 28, 2019 by Anahad O'Connor in The New York Times.

How Big Tobacco Hooked Children on Sugary Drinks March 14, 2019 by Andrew Jacobs in The New York Times.

Can Happiness Trickle Down from the Global Elite? February 22, 2019 by Eve Ekman, Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas in the Greater Good Magazine.

Exercise reduces stress, improves cellular health in family caregivers October 3, 2018 by University of British Columbia in Science Daily.

Healthy diet linked to healthy cellular aging in August 21, 2018 by Ann Arbor in the Michigan News.

Neighborhoods can help buffer impacts from childhood poverty June 1, 2018 by Lisa Owns in the SF State News.

Female, sexually abused children more at risk for type of PTSD January 2, 2018 by Lisa Owens Viani in the SF State News.

SF experts map the emotions of a stressed-out city March 27, 2019 by Heather Knight in the San Francisco Chronicles.

If you want to live longer, take good care of your telomeres January 13, 2017 by Vicky Hallett in the Washington Post.

Could sleep disorders raise the risk of preterm birth? August 14, 2017 by Hannah Nichols in Medical News Today.

Could your thoughts make you age faster? April 26, 2017 by Elizabeth Blackburn and Elissa Epel in

Can This Interactive Map of Emotions Bring World Peace? The Dalai Lama Thinks So May 9, 2016 by Carol Kuruvilla in the Huffington Post.

What a Happy Cell Looks Like February 10, 2015 by Aditi Nerurkar in The Atlantic. 

Stress alters children’s genomes April 7, 2014 by Jyoti Madhusoodanan in Nature.

New View of Depression: An Ailment of the Entire Body, April 9 2012 by Shirley Wang in The Wall Street Journal.

Study is First to Confirm that Stress Speeds Aging, November 30, 2004 by Rob Stein in The Washington Post.

AME Research from the UCSF News Center

Healthy Diet with Less Sugar Is Linked to Younger Biological Age July 29, 2024 in the UCSF News Center.

The Power of Deep Rest Summer 2024 by Wynne Parry in the UCSF News Center.

Four Quick Ways to Truly Rest Summer 2024 by Wynne Parry in the UCSF News Center.

Feeling Rough After Your COVID Shot? Congrats, It’s Working! June 10, 2024 by Suzanne Leigh in the UCSF News Center. 

9 Tips to Cope with Stress and Cultivate Joy this Holiday Season December 12, 2023 by Laura López González in the UCSF News Center.

Does Your Vaccine Type Matter in the Battle Against COVID? May 9, 2023 by Suzanne Leigh in the UCSF News Center. 

Pregnant Moms’ Stress May Accelerate Cell Aging of White, Not Black, Kids December 2, 2022 by Jess Berthold in the UCSF News Center.

Prenatal Wellness Classes Cut Moms’ Depression in Half Up to 8 Years Later November 29th, 2022 by Jess Berthold in the UCSF News Center. 

Feeling Anxiety About Coronavirus? A Psychologist Offers Tips to Stay Clearheaded March 6th, 2020 by Nina Bai in the UCSF News Center. 

The Climate Crisis is a Health Crisis December 16th, 2019 by Cyril Manning in UCSF News Center.

Workplace Sales Ban on Sugared Drink Shows Positive Health Effects October 28, 2019 by Steve Tokar in the UCSF News Center.

The UCSF Guide to Healthy and Happy Eating Summer, 2019 by UCSF Magazine.

Can Short-Term Stress Make the Body and Mind More Resilient? A New Study is Testing That Theory March 22, 2019 by Nina Bai in the UCSF News Center.

Decoding the Mystery of the Super-Ager December 21, 2018 by Adam Piore in the UCSF News Center.

Depression, Anxiety May Take Same Toll on Health as Smoking and Obesity December 17, 2018 by Suzanne Leigh in the UCSF News Center.

As the Keto Diet Gains Popularity, Scientists Explain What We Do and Don’t Know August 30, 2018 by Vicky Stein in the UCSF News Center.

Living in Better Neighborhood May Protect Health of Kids in Poverty May 08, 2018 by Suzanne Leigh in the UCSF News Center.

Samsung and UCSF Introduce My BP Lab, a Smartphone App for Blood Pressure and Stress Research February 25, 2018 by Laura Kurtzman in the UCSF News Center.

Stress in Pregnancy Linked to Changes in Infant’s Nervous System, Less Smiling, Less Resilience November 22, 2017 by Suzanne Leigh in the UCSF News Center.

Sleep Disorders Linked to Preterm Birth in Large California Study August 08, 2017 by Laura Kurtzman in the UCSF News Center.

Inspired by Work with Dalai Lama, Eve Ekman Creates App to Map Emotions April 10, 2017 by Mitzi Baker in the UCSF News Center.

Nancy Adler Honored by The New York Academy of Medicine August 25, 2017 by Kate Vidinsky in the UCSF News Center.

Could sleep disorders raise the risk of preterm birth? August 14, 2017 by Hannah Nichols in Medical News Today.

Short Sleepers Are Four Times More Likely to Catch a Cold August 31, 2015 by Lisa Marie Potter and Nicholas Weiler in the UCSF News Center.

Sugared Soda Consumption, Cell Aging Associated in New Study October 16, 2014 by Jeffrey Norris in the UCSF News Center.

Is Stress Contagious? Study Shows Babies Can Catch It from Their Mothers February 6, 2014 by Juliana Bunim in the UCSF News Center.

Sleep Affects Potency of Vaccines August 1, 2012 by Elizabeth Fernandez in the UCSF News Center.

Wandering Minds Associated with Aging Cells November 16, 2012 by Abigail Mortimore in the UCSF News Center.

Anticipation of Stressful Situations Accelerates Cellular Aging, February 21, 2012 by Juliana Bunim.

Comfort Food May Be "Self-Medication" for Stress, Dialing Down Stress Response, December 7, 2011 by Jeffrey Norris in the UCSF News Center.

Stress Reduction and Mindful Eating Curb Weight Gain Among Overweight Women, December 7, 2011 by Jeffrey Norris in the UCSF News Center.

Risk of Accelerated Aging Seen in PTSD Patients with Childhood Trauma, April 22, 2011 by Steve Tokar in the UCSF News Center.

Extreme Dieting: Does It Lead to Longer Lives?, April 18, 2011 by Elizabeth Fernandez in the UCSF News Center.

Exercise May Prevent Impact of Stress on Telomeres, A Measure of Cell Health, April 4, 2011 by Jennifer O'Brien in the UCSF News Center.

Cell Health Linked to Positive Mood Changes in Meditation, November 30, 2010 by Jennifer O'Brien in the UCSF News Center.

Telomere Trial Will Tell Women Their Cellular Age, July 14, 2010 in the UCSF News Center.

Brief Exercise Reduces Impact of Stress on Cell Aging, UCSF Study Shows, May 26, 2010 by Elizabeth Fernandez in the UCSF News Center.

Study Finds Higher Omega-3 Fatty Acid Levels Associated With Less Biological Aging in Cardiovascular Disease Patients, January 28, 2010 by Lauren Hammit in the UCSF News Center.

UCSF-led Study Suggests Link Between Psychological Stress and Cell Aging, November 29, 2004 by Jennifer O'Brien in the UCSF News Center.

An Assessment of Yourself as Rich and Powerful May Keep You Healthy, According to UCSF Study, November 19, 2000 by Maureen McInaney in the UCSF News Center.