Rachel Radin, PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Rachel Radin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. She studies the links between eating behaviors, stress, and metabolic health in adults. Dr. Radin very interested in developing, optimizing, and disseminating interventions to reduce dysregulated eating behavior, including stress-related eating, and improve metabolic health. She is currently funded by a K23 Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (K23 AT011048). Dr. Radin is also a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the state of California (License # 30403). As a postdoctoral fellow at UCSF, she received an F32 National Research Service Award (NRSA) from the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) to investigate the impact of a mindfulness intervention (SHINE trial) on stress-related eating and endocrine and autonomic profiles of stress reactivity. She completed a PhD in Medical and Clinical Psychology from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) in 2017 after completing a Pre-doctoral Internship in Pediatric Psychology at Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital. She earned an MA in psychology in education from Columbia University and a BA in psychology from the George Washington University.

Website Links for Eating Measures:

  • Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ; van Strien, Frijters, Bergers, & Defares, 1986): https://eprovide.mapi-trust.org/instruments/dutch-eating-behavior-questionnaire#member_access_content
    • Assesses eating in response to emotional arousal states, including eating in response to diffuse and clearly labeled emotions.
  • Binge Eating Scale (BES; Gormally, Black, Daston, & Rardin, 1982): https://psychology-tools.com/test/binge-eating-scale
    • A measure of behavioral manifestations and feelings surrounding a binge episode.
    • This 16-item scale is commonly used to assess severity of binge eating and discriminates between overweight/obese individuals with severe, moderate, or no binge eating problems.
    • It assesses the severity of behavioral and cognitive characteristics associated with binge eating such as feeling distress about overeating, feeling out of control in response to food cues, feeling a lack of satiation, and being preoccupied with food.
  • Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns –5 (QEWP-5; Yanovski, Marcus, Wadden, & Walsh, 2015): https://www.phenxtoolkit.org/toolkit_content/PDF/PX651201.pdf 
    • A 24-item questionnaire that assesses the frequency of reported binge eating. The QEWP-5 been adapted to capture loss of control (LOC) eating as well as binge episodes.
    • This questionnaire is a screening tool designed to identify adults with possible DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder
  • Palatable Eating Motives Scale (PEMS; Burgess, Turan, Lokken, Morse, & Boggiano, 2014): https://www.gem-beta.org/Public/DownloadMeasure.aspx?mdocID=313
    • The PEMS Coping subscale probes various motives for ‘‘eating tasty food and drinks.’’
    • The Coping motives subscale measures intentionally using palatable food to cope with negative feelings (e.g., to forget about or help with worry, depression, nervousness, a bad mood, or problems).
  • Trait Food Craving Questionnaire, Reduced (FCQ-T-r; Meule, Hermann, & Kubler, 2014): https://www.gem-beta.org/public/DownloadMeasure.aspx?mdocid=315
    • The Trait Food Craving Questionnaire, reduced, is a 15-item measure of behavioral, cognitive, and physical aspects of cravings for different types of food.
    • High scores predict how much people crave and eat densely caloric snacks in daily life, and are associated with self-reported failures in dieting
  • Reward-based Eating Drive Scale (RED-9; Epel, Tomiyama, Mason et al., 2014)

Digital Meditation to Target Employee Stress: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

JAMA network open

Radin RM, Vacarro J, Fromer E, Ahmadi SE, Guan JY, Fisher SM, Pressman SD, Hunter JF, Sweeny K, Tomiyama AJ, Hofschneider LT, Zawadzki MJ, Gavrilova L, Epel ES, Prather AA

Weight Stigma in the Development, Maintenance, and Treatment of Eating Disorders: A Case Series Informing Implications for Research and Practice.

Research on child and adolescent psychopathology

Kramer R, Drury CR, Forsberg S, Bruett LD, Reilly EE, Gorrell S, Singh S, Hail L, Yu K, Radin RM, Keyser J, Le Grange D, Accurso EC, Huryk KM

An exploration of the association between premorbid weight status on patient and caregiver factors at pre and post-treatment among youth with anorexia nervosa/atypical anorexia nervosa.

Eating behaviors

Kramer R, Radin R, Forsberg S, Garber AK, Reilly EE, Hail L, Huryk KM, Keyser J, Bruett LD, Le Grange D, Gorrell S, Accurso EC

Perceived Stress and Depressive Symptoms Are Associated With Emotional Eating but Not Nutritional Intake During Pregnancy: A Prospective Cohort Study.

Journal of midwifery & women's health

Carandang RR, Epel E, Radin R, Lewis JB, Ickovics JR, Cunningham SD

Alternative Devices for Heart Rate Variability Measures: A Comparative Test-Retest Reliability Study.

Behavioral sciences (Basel, Switzerland)

Killian JM, Radin RM, Gardner CL, Kasuske L, Bashirelahi K, Nathan D, Keyser DO, Cellucci CJ, Darmon D, Rapp PE

Do stress eating or compulsive eating influence metabolic health in a mindfulness-based weight loss intervention?

Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association

Radin RM, Epel ES, Daubenmier J, Moran P, Schleicher S, Kristeller J, Hecht FM, Mason AE

Remission of loss of control eating and changes in components of the metabolic syndrome.

The International journal of eating disorders

Shank LM, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Radin RM, Shomaker LB, Wilfley DE, Young JF, Brady S, Olsen CH, Reynolds JC, Yanovski JA

Relationship of Mindfulness to Distress and Cortisol Response in Adolescent Girls At-Risk for Type 2 Diabetes.

Journal of child and family studies

Skoranski A, Kelly NR, Radin RM, Thompson KA, Galescu O, Demidowich AP, Brady SM, Chen KY, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Yanovski JA, Shomaker LB

Prevention of insulin resistance in adolescents at risk for type 2 diabetes with depressive symptoms: 1-year follow-up of a randomized trial.

Depression and anxiety

Shomaker LB, Kelly NR, Radin RM, Cassidy OL, Shank LM, Brady SM, Demidowich AP, Olsen CH, Chen KY, Stice E, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Yanovski JA

Dietary intake and major food sources of polyphenols in people with type 2 diabetes: The TOSCA.IT Study.

European journal of nutrition

Vitale M, Masulli M, Rivellese AA, Bonora E, Cappellini F, Nicolucci A, Squatrito S, Antenucci D, Barrea A, Bianchi C, Bianchini F, Fontana L, Fornengo P, Giorgino F, Gnasso A, Mannucci E, Mazzotti A, Nappo R, Palena AP, Pata P, Perriello G, Potenziani S, Radin R, Ricci L, Romeo F, Santini C, Scarponi M, Serra R, Timi A, Turco AA, Vedovato M, Zavaroni D, Grioni S, Riccardi G, Vaccaro O

A Randomized Controlled Trial to Prevent Depression and Ameliorate Insulin Resistance in Adolescent Girls at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes.

Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine

Shomaker LB, Kelly NR, Pickworth CK, Cassidy OL, Radin RM, Shank LM, Vannucci A, Thompson KA, Armaiz-Flores SA, Brady SM, Demidowich AP, Galescu OA, Courville AB, Olsen C, Chen KY, Stice E, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Yanovski JA

Associations of sleep duration and quality with disinhibited eating behaviors in adolescent girls at-risk for type 2 diabetes.

Eating behaviors

Kelly NR, Shomaker LB, Radin RM, Thompson KA, Cassidy OL, Brady S, Mehari R, Courville AB, Chen KY, Galescu OA, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Yanovski JA

Effect of adapted interpersonal psychotherapy versus health education on mood and eating in the laboratory among adolescent girls with loss of control eating.

The International journal of eating disorders

Tanofsky-Kraff M, Crosby RD, Vannucci A, Kozlosky M, Shomaker LB, Brady SM, Sbrocco T, Pickworth CK, Stephens M, Young JF, Olsen CH, Kelly NR, Radin R, Cassidy O, Wilfley DE, Reynolds JC, Yanovski JA

Cortisol response to an induction of negative affect among adolescents with and without loss of control eating.

Pediatric obesity

Radin RM, Shomaker LB, Kelly NR, Pickworth CK, Thompson KA, Brady SM, Demidowich A, Galescu O, Altschul AM, Shank LM, Yanovski SZ, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Yanovski JA

Metabolic characteristics of youth with loss of control eating.

Eating behaviors

Radin RM, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Shomaker LB, Kelly NR, Pickworth CK, Shank LM, Altschul AM, Brady SM, Demidowich AP, Yanovski SZ, Hubbard VS, Yanovski JA

Mindfulness and eating behavior in adolescent girls at risk for type 2 diabetes.

The International journal of eating disorders

Pivarunas B, Kelly NR, Pickworth CK, Cassidy O, Radin RM, Shank LM, Vannucci A, Courville AB, Chen KY, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Yanovski JA, Shomaker LB

Recent Advances in Developmental and Risk Factor Research on Eating Disorders.

Current psychiatry reports

Bakalar JL, Shank LM, Vannucci A, Radin RM, Tanofsky-Kraff M

Depressed affect and dietary restraint in adolescent boys' and girls' eating in the absence of hunger.


Kelly NR, Shomaker LB, Pickworth CK, Grygorenko MV, Radin RM, Vannucci A, Shank LM, Brady SM, Courville AB, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Yanovski JA

Targeted prevention of excess weight gain and eating disorders in high-risk adolescent girls: a randomized controlled trial.

The American journal of clinical nutrition

Tanofsky-Kraff M, Shomaker LB, Wilfley DE, Young JF, Sbrocco T, Stephens M, Ranzenhofer LM, Elliott C, Brady S, Radin RM, Vannucci A, Bryant EJ, Osborn R, Berger SS, Olsen C, Kozlosky M, Reynolds JC, Yanovski JA

Serum leptin and loss of control eating in children and adolescents.

International journal of obesity (2005)

Miller R, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Shomaker LB, Field SE, Hannallah L, Reina SA, Mooreville M, Sedaka N, Brady SM, Condarco T, Reynolds JC, Yanovski SZ, Yanovski JA

Supermarket discounts of low-energy density foods: effects on purchasing, food intake, and body weight.

Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)

Geliebter A, Ang IY, Bernales-Korins M, Hernandez D, Ochner CN, Ungredda T, Miller R, Kolbe L

Children's binge eating and development of metabolic syndrome.

International journal of obesity (2005)

Tanofsky-Kraff M, Shomaker LB, Stern EA, Miller R, Sebring N, Dellavalle D, Yanovski SZ, Hubbard VS, Yanovski JA

Longitudinal study of depressive symptoms and progression of insulin resistance in youth at risk for adult obesity.

Diabetes care

Shomaker LB, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Stern EA, Miller R, Zocca JM, Field SE, Yanovski SZ, Hubbard VS, Yanovski JA