Academic pediatrics

Prevalence and Patterns of Social Media Use in Social Media Use in Early Adolescents

Academic pediatrics

Jason M. Nagata JM, Memon Z, Talebloo J, Li K, Low P, Shao I, Ganson K, Testa A, He J, Brindis CD, & Baker F.

Prevalence and Patterns of Social Media Use in Early Adolescents.

Academic pediatrics

Nagata JM, Memon Z, Talebloo J, Karen Li MPH, Low P, Shao IY, Ganson KT, Testa A, He J, Brindis CD, Baker FC

Sexual identity is associated with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in US early adolescents.

Academic pediatrics

Raney JH, Weinstein S, Testa A, Ganson KT, Memon Z, Glidden DV, Baker FC, Brindis CD, Nagata JM

The Need for Enhancing Funding for Research on Children in Immigrant Families.

Academic pediatrics

Mendoza FS, Flores G, Fuentes-Afflick E

Associations of contemporary screen time modalities with early adolescent nutrition.

Academic pediatrics

Nagata JM, Weinstein S, Bashir A, Lee S, Al-Shoaibi AAA, Shao IY, Ganson KT, Testa A, He J, Garber AK

Subspecialty pediatrics: An unmet opportunity to address unmet social risks.

Academic pediatrics

Wadhwani SI, Pantell MS, Winestone LE

Postpartum Family Planning in Pediatrics: A Survey of Parental Contraceptive Needs and Health Services Preferences.

Academic pediatrics

Congdon JL, Bardach NS, Franck LS, Brindis CD, John Boscardin W, Carrasco Z, Cabana MD, Dehlendorf C

Adolescent and Young Adult Perspectives on Quality and Value in Health Care.

Academic pediatrics

Wesevich A, Jiao MG, Santanam TS, Chung RJ, Uchitel J, Zhang Q, Brindis CD, Ford CA, Counts NZ, Wong CA

Water Security Experiences and Water Intake among Elementary Students at Low Income Schools: A Cross-Sectional Study.

Academic pediatrics

Ezennia J, Schmidt LA, Ritchie L, Blacker L, McCulloch CE, Patel AI

Current fellowship funding limitations and their threat to the pediatric subspecialty workforce.

Academic pediatrics

Weiss P, Myers AL, McGann KA, Kesselheim JC, Barron C, Klasner A, Heyman MB, Weiss DL, Mauer E, Mason KE, Gerber LM, Abramson EL
