Journal of Adolescent Health

“There is No Help Out There and if There is, It's Really Hard to Find”: A Qualitative Study of the Healthcare Access and Concerns of Latino “Dreamers”.

Journal of Adolescent Health

Marissa Raymond-Flesch, Rachel Siemons, Nadereh Pourat, Ken Jacobs, Claire Brindis

1. The Nature and Impact of Trauma on 1.5 Generation Immigrant Youth During Parental Separation and Reunification.

Journal of Adolescent Health

Naomi A. Schapiro, Susan Kools, Sandra J. Weiss, Claire Brindis

Quality of Reproductive Health Care Provided to Latino Adolescents.

Journal of Adolescent Health

Lee Anna Botkin, Stephanie Fishkin, Claire Brindis, Elizabeth Ozer, Cynthia Kapphahn

Receipt of psychological or emotional counseling by suicidal adolescents.

Journal of Adolescent Health

Jane Pirkis, Charles Irwin, Claire Brindis


Journal of Adolescent Health

Claire Brindis, Amy L. Wolfe

Health insurance status of adolescents using school-based clinics.

Journal of Adolescent Health

Claire Brindis, Cynthia Kapphahn, Virginia McCarter, Susan Morales
