Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition

Editors' Comments Regarding Special Feature Articles on COVID-19 in 2020.

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition

Heyman MB, Belli DC

Clinical and Practice Variations in Pediatric Acute Recurrent or Chronic Pancreatitis: Report From The Insppire Study.

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition

Dike CR, Zimmerman B, Zheng Y, Wilschanski M, Werlin SL, Troendle D, Shah U, Schwarzenberg SJ, Pohl J, Perito ER, Ooi CY, Nathan JD, Morinville VD, McFerron B, Mascarenhas M, Maqbool A, Liu Q, Lin TK, Husain SZ, Heyman MB, Gonska T, Giefer MJ, Gariepy CE, Fishman DS, Bellin M, Barth B, Abu-El-Haija M, Lowe ME, Uc A

Diabetes Mellitus in Children with Acute Recurrent and Chronic Pancreatitis: Data From the INternational Study Group of Pediatric Pancreatitis: In Search for a CuRE Cohort.

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition

Bellin MD, Lowe M, Zimmerman MB, Wilschanski M, Werlin S, Troendle DM, Shah U, Schwarzenberg SJ, Pohl JF, Perito E, Ooi CY, Nathan JD, Morinville VD, McFerron BA, Mascarenhas MR, Maqbool A, Liu Q, Lin TK, Husain SZ, Himes R, Heyman MB, Gonska T, Giefer MJ, Gariepy CE, Freedman SD, Fishman DS, Barth B, Abu-El-Haija M, Uc A

Factors Associated With Frequent Opioid Use in Children With Acute Recurrent and Chronic Pancreatitis.

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition

Perito ER, Palermo TM, Pohl JF, Mascarenhas M, Abu-El-Haija M, Barth B, Bellin MD, Fishman DS, Freedman S, Gariepy C, Giefer M, Gonska T, Heyman MB, Himes RW, Husain SZ, Lin T, Liu Q, Maqbool A, McFerron B, Morinville VD, Nathan JD, Ooi CY, Rhee S, Schwarzenberg SJ, Shah U, Troendle DM, Werlin S, Wilschanski M, Zheng Y, Zimmerman MB, Lowe M, Uc A

Diabetes Mellitus in Children with Acute Recurrent and Chronic Pancreatitis: Data from the INSPPIRE Cohort.

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition

Bellin MD, Lowe M, Zimmerman MB, Wilschanski M, Werlin S, Troendle DM, Shah U, Schwarzenberg SJ, Pohl JF, Perito E, Ooi CY, Nathan JD, Morinville VD, McFerron BA, Mascarenhas MR, Maqbool A, Liu Q, Lin TK, Husain SZ, Himes R, Heyman MB, Gonska T, Giefer MJ, Gariepy CE, Freedman SD, Fishman DS, Barth B, Abu-El-Haija M, Uc A

Depression Predicts Prolonged Length of Hospital Stay in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition

Patel PV, Pantell MS, Heyman MB, Verstraete S

Risk Factors for Rapid Progression From Acute Recurrent to Chronic Pancreatitis in Children: Report From INSPPIRE.

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition

Liu QY, Abu-El-Haija M, Husain SZ, Barth B, Bellin M, Fishman DS, Freedman SD, Gariepy CE, Giefer MJ, Gonska T, Heyman MB, Himes R, Lin TK, Maqbool A, Mascarenhas M, McFerron BA, Morinville VD, Nathan JD, Ooi CY, Perito ER, Pohl JF, Rhee S, Schwarzenberg SJ, Shah U, Troendle D, Werlin SL, Wilschanski M, Zimmerman MB, Lowe ME, Uc A

Chronic Pancreatitis: Pediatric and Adult Cohorts Show Similarities in Disease Progress Despite Different Risk Factors.

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition

Schwarzenberg SJ, Uc A, Zimmerman B, Wilschanski M, Wilcox CM, Whitcomb DC, Werlin SL, Troendle D, Tang G, Slivka A, Singh VK, Sherman S, Shah U, Sandhu BS, Romagnuolo J, Rhee S, Pohl JF, Perito ER, Ooi CY, Nathan JD, Muniraj T, Morinville VD, McFerron B, Mascarenhas M, Maqbool A, Liu Q, Lin TK, Lewis M, Husain SZ, Himes R, Heyman MB, Guda N, Gonska T, Giefer MJ, Gelrud A, Gariepy CE, Gardner TB, Freedman SD, Forsmark CE, Fishman DS, Cote GA, Conwell D, Brand RE, Bellin M, Barth B, Banks PA, Anderson MA, Amann ST, Alkaade S, Abu-El-Haija M, Abberbock JN, Lowe ME, Yadav D

Diet and Exercise in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients: Behaviors and Association With Metabolic Syndrome.

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition

Chambers JH, Zerofsky M, Lustig RH, Rosenthal P, Perito ER

Enteric Virome and Bacterial Microbiota in Children With Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn Disease.

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition

Fernandes MA, Verstraete SG, Phan TG, Deng X, Stekol E, LaMere B, Lynch SV, Heyman MB, Delwart E
