
Grief, depressive symptoms, and inflammation in the spousally bereaved.


Fagundes CP, Brown RL, Chen MA, Murdock KW, Saucedo L, LeRoy A, Wu EL, Garcini LM, Shahane AD, Baameur F, Heijnen C

Binge drinking in adolescence predicts an atypical cortisol stress response in young adulthood.


Hagan MJ, Modecki K, Moctezuma Tan L, Luecken L, Wolchik S, Sandler I

Maternal experiences of trauma and hair cortisol in early childhood in a prospective cohort.


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Aerobic exercise lengthens telomeres and reduces stress in family caregivers: A randomized controlled trial - Curt Richter Award Paper 2018.


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In vitro proinflammatory gene expression predicts in vivo telomere shortening: A preliminary study.


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Chronic stress, hair cortisol and depression: A prospective and longitudinal study of medical internship.


Mayer SE, Lopez-Duran NL, Sen S, Abelson JL

Sleep and hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis responses to metyrapone in posttraumatic stress disorder.


Inslicht SS, Rao MN, Richards A, O'Donovan A, Gibson CJ, Baum T, Metzler TJ, Neylan TC
